From ideas, into actions.

Every endeavour breaks down to working with people.

Beneath our name tags, roles job descriptions, lies the same substance.

A person making meaning and providing context to their world.

So we craft together ideas we love, from ancient history to emergent trends. Across philosophy, psychology, and leadership theory - we look for concepts that are ubiquitous amongst people.


Whether you’re a CEO, creative artist or personal development geek, our approach offers something for everyone.

  • We take time to identify, observe and extract ideas from history, through to emergent trends. We pursue ideas we love, that we see contribute to daily life and leadership. We’re asking, “What is meaningful about this for people?”

  • Drawing out key lessons from a concept, we create bespoke resources, presentations and exercises to help facilitate valued conversations and thinking that leads to action.

  • We weave together the most relevant and useful ideas for you and your team. We create single or multiple experiences and sessions that make a contribution to where you are looking for the most impact. These leadership interventions offer a breadth of knowledge, applied to their immediate experience.


Our ideas have geneologys. We craft together concepts from fresh thinkers and knowledge that reaches back millennia, with their most relevant expression for todays context for living and leading in.

  • -perception






    -character styles

    -relational dynamics

    -emotional intelligence




  • Some of our influences include:

    Carl Jung, Dick Schwartz, Jim McNeish, Marcus Aurellius, Beck & Cowan, Brene Brown, Nicolas Nassim Taleb, Priya Parker, Joseph Campbell, Dr.Helen Taylor, Tim Ferris, Anthony de Mello, Matthew Barzun, Cebes of Thebes, Pierre Hadot, Eric Weinstein, Ryan Holiday,

  • A few paradigms we enjoy working with include: IFS, Shadow, Spiral Dynamics, Stoicism, NLP, First Principles, Multiple Intelligence Theory, Enneagram, MBTI, Design thinking, BIG 5, Infinite Game theory, Inversion, Rackets, Heroes Journey, Paradox, Non-dual leadership